Uso of FPIC for the defense of indigenous populations in the Amazon: the Ancestral Knowledge Monitoring case in Ecuador
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Uso of FPIC for the defense of indigenous populations in the Amazon: the Ancestral Knowledge Monitoring case in Ecuador

The third meeting of the new cycle for the All Eyes on the Amazon (AEA) Learning Community took place on Thursday March 10 at 09:00 am (Ecuador/Peru time). This meeting had participation of local partners from Brazil, Ecuador and Peru, as well as specializad partners of the AEA Consortium.

This meeting main topic was the use of the rights to free, previous, and informed consultation and consent (FPIC) for the defense of the indigenous populations of the Amazon, regarding the Ancestral Knowledge Monitoring in the Sekopai and A’i Cofán communities from the ecuadorian Amazon, through the work developed by the San Francisco de Quito University (USFQ).

Concretely, this meeting focused in the general aspects of the process for the obtention of FPIC since its implementation and in field experience related to this topic. Also, this meeting allowed participants to know the normative process to ensure their intellectual rights, regarding ancestral knowledge, for the communities of Ecuador, Peru, and Brazil, in border areas. The goal was to interchange experiences, challenges, lessons learned, and recommendations to allow better actions in the processes developed by the AEA partners.

As a result, we expect to develop session annals, with the main recommendations and lessons learned resulting from the collaborative dialog space among AEA associates and partners.

