“The combination of local and technical expertise and cross-collaboration was very useful.” Says Jaime Corisepa, technical staff member from All Eyes on the Amazon local partner ECA-RCA, an indigenous organization that co-manages a natural protected area in the Peruvian Amazon. The training took place in Quito from the 06th to the 08th of June, for and with over 10 local and indigenous partner organizations of All Eyes on the Amazon in Peru and Ecuador.
Crucial strategies
Campaigning and Communication strategies are crucial in the fight for protection of the Amazon rainforest, and the rights of the people who live in it. The training was aimed at learning about the basics and tools for campaigns, including a strategy for planning as well as key elements of communication supporting a campaign. Oliver Salge from Greenpeace explained: “The main aim of the training was to learn how to best set a detailed objective and what you need to do to achieve it. This was done through knowledge sharing and practical examples to conduct problem and power analysis, followed by strategy and campaign intervention discussions among the participants. The participant organizations now have a toolbox available to be used for their own work in the communities or with partners, while thinking on public campaigning interventions aiming for a change.”
If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go with others.
All Eyes on the Amazon also brings people together to generate collective learning and to record and share our lessons and new insights. Networking and exchange of experiences was an important part of the three-day event.
“This training was designed to provide and exchange tools and methodologies on campaigning planning, and development for the protection of the Amazon and its people. It was designed by Greenpeace, Amazon Frontlines and Hivos, with inputs and experiences from all local partners. But it´s only a starting point for further learning, collaboration and exchange of experiences on this topic. All Eyes on the Amazon will continue to promote networking and campaigning efforts for defending land rights and protecting forests, territories, cultures and ways of life in the Amazon.” Says Eliana Rojas from Hivos.
Jaime Corisepa said after the training: “We are thankful for the opportunity to get to know so many people from different cultures, such as the Harakbut and Waorani indigenous peoples, but also Germans like Greenpeace´s representative. This mixture of cultures, as well as the cross-collaboration in campaigning and communication action, will help us achieve the conservation of the Amazonian forest, and the protection of indigenous rights, of indigenous territory, of indigenous culture and wellbeing.”